A Parish of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Corpus Christi.
1302 Lantana Street Corpus Christi, Texas 78407
1302 Lantana Street Corpus Christi, Texas 78407
Daily Mass: Mon.- Fri. at 6:00 p.m. * Rosary 30 minutes prior.
Lenten Friday Holy Hour: 5:00-6:00 pm
Saturday Vigil Mass: 6:00 p.m.
Sunday Mass: 10:00 a.m.
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Before Mass & By Appointment
Parish Hall
The Altar Society will be having their All You Can Eat Valentine Waffle Breakfast on Sunday, February 16th from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. $12.0...
Parish Hall
Contact our office for more information 361-289-2759. Thank you.
A tradition in the Catholic Church is to ask a priest to offer a Mass for the intentions of another person, such as on a birthday, and most commonly, for someone who is deceased.
To request to have a Mass said for someone please contact our office via phone/email/mail. Available dates & times will vary.
"We, the people of the church of Corpus Christi, recognize ourselves to be a pilgrim people, a community of believers in Jesus Christ who have been called through baptism to continue the life and mission of Jesus on Earth. Though one family of God, we are of diverse ethnic, cultural and economic backgrounds. Our unity is rooted in common faith in Jesus the Lord who guides us through His Vicar on Earth, the Most Holy Father. Led by our bishop, we see ourselves as ministers of the mysteries of God who are called to witness to what we are in Jesus – a redeemed, holy people – and to proclaim the Good News entrusted to us by Him."
Please contact our office for more information.
Youth: serve regular Sunday Masses and other special Masses - open to children between 4th and 12th grades.
Adult: by pastor appointment.
Distribute the Blessed Sacrament to the faithful at weekday and weekend Masses. Open to all parishioners who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation. Home bound ministry information please contact our office.
Greeters welcome people at the doors of the church and distribute bulletins. Ushers assist people to their seats and take up collections at Mass. Open to all parishioners (families especially welcomed).
Read the scriptures at weekend and weekday Masses, read the prayers of the faithful and make announcements.
Lead the congregation in singing the hymns at Mass on weekends. Open to all ages depending on the Mass. Contact our office for more information.
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